According to new research with significant implications for humanity, animals injured in the wild or afflicted with disease have a remarkable ability to heal themselves.
Zoopharmacognosy is a behavior in which animals self-medicate by choosing and consuming (or) applying plants, soils, insects, and psychoactive substances topically to treat and avoid ailments.
Many animal species have developed their own pharmacy using chemicals found in the natural world.
Birds, bees, lizards, elephants, and chimps all have one thing in common when it comes to surviving: they self-medicate. These animals eat foods that make them feel better, or that help them avoid disease, or that destroy parasites like flatworms, germs, and viruses, or that simply help with digestion.
Scientists have discovered that some animals are great at assisting people in overcoming illnesses. Professor Keith Kendrick of the Babraham Institute in Cambridge noted, “Dogs are exceptionally proficient at this.” ‘They have a phenomenal sense of smell and can detect when their owners’ chemical levels alter.
Animals use plants to combat some serious diseases, and some medicines have been derived from them. If we observe closely and learn from animals for which plants, they used for what then we could cure many diseases.
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