Dogs suffer from anxiety like humans. This is common—life may be stressful! Dogs, unlike humans, cannot verbally communicate their anxiety. When it comes to puppy anxiety, more dog parents are going natural than ever before. Here are some areas to reduce their anxiety level.
- Exercise
Most of us are aware that exercise is a powerful stress reliever for both humans and pets. Getting your pets outside to play and exercise is sometimes the best cure for anxiety.
- Music
Many species, not just humans, find music to be relaxing or comforting. When your pet is alone at home, try leaving a radio or television on. This can make a dog feel more at ease and reduce separation anxiety.
- Massage
Dog massage can lower blood pressure and alleviate stress. Because these are natural pressure points, massaging the top of the head, feet, and ears is beneficial for stress release.
- Supplements
The use of hemp and CBD oils to treat dogs with anxiety is one of the fastest – growing health trends in pet care. Research has shown that CBD Oil help with anxiety. Consider using the natural supplement “Flora Sophia CBD Oil” as pain management of your dog’s pain.
- Brushing & Grooming
Don’t forget to pamper your dog. Brushing your dog for 10-15 minutes per night could be enough therapy for him.
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