Lady is a rescue who has been returned more than once and has anxiety issues and aggression with other dogs. She was attacked by some dogs and now goes on the defensive so that doesn’t happen again. Here is a session with Lady.
Lady is taking in St. John’s wort. Can be for emotional anxiety, sadness and/or depression if she didn’t want it when I put my hand there she would walk away. I have the leash sitting here because it is such a big room she can come and go as she pleases. When they are done taking in the herbs they are finished so she must have some physical or emotional pain as she is older been around awhile we don’t know what’s happened but they know what they need. She’s devouring it. And then what will happen in a couple of days when we keep giving it to her or seeing if she still wants it because sometimes the next day like right now she’s done. Isn’t that lovely You always want to make sure they have water. And that she can walk away and do whatever she wants. Maybe she will come back for some more or maybe she’s done. They know when they are done. She might want more tomorrow or she might not want more tomorrow. She might want more the next day or she might choose something different. Do you want any more babe? No. Let me take off your leash. She may go lay done or she might want some St. John’s wart. So she may want more. Do you want more babe? She wants some more. Are you done?