Dog Ear Infections – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Small Grey Puppy Lying on Couch with Medicines Having Ear Infection

Have you seen your dog moving his head, itching and touching his ears more than usual? These are some indicators that your dog may be suffering from an ear infection.

Common Symptoms of Ear Infections

The following are some of the most common symptoms of dog ear infections:

  • Itching and scratching around the ear.
  • Unnatural Shaking of the head.
  • Around the ear canal, there is swelling and redness.
  • Scabs or crusts on the skin.

Causes of Ear Infections in Dogs

The following are the most common causes of dog ear infections:

  • Ear infections can occur in 50 percent of dogs with skin allergies
  • Thyroid dysfunction in dogs
  • Wax buildup in the ears
  • Disorders of the immune system
  • Ear cleaning that is excessive
  • Any damage to the ear canal of the dog

How the Infection in Dogs can be Treated?

Ear infections in dogs must be treated properly. If not treated quickly, the infection can spread and cause problems, putting your dog’s health at risk. Whether you have a suspicion or are certain that your dog has an ear infection, you should consult a veterinarian to determine the best course of action.

It is preferable to prevent than cure? Make it a habit to clean your dog’s ear every few days and keep an eye on its behavior rather than waiting for an ear infection to occur. If they seem agitated, have them checked immediately.

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